
The configuration is found at .../plugins/PlaceholderAPI/config.yml under the customfont section

⚙ī¸ Settings

return_text_if_font_invalid: true

true Input: %customfont_asd_Hello!% Output: Hello! false Input: %customfont_asd_Hello!% Output: Font invalid

The example above assumes the font "asd" doesn't exist

➕ Add your own font

    uppercase: ''
    lowercase: ''
    numbers: ''
    special: ''

The name of the font (in this case template) must not have any underscore characters (_), otherwise you might not be able to use it.

The uppercase and lowercase values must have 26 characters The numbers value must have 10 characters The special value must have 14 characters

If any field is left empty, the original input character will be used instead

Last updated